We invest in early stage companies.
About PageOne Lab & the co-founders
PageOne Lab is a Y Combinator backed company located in Seattle, founded by builders and growth experts. We are excited to work with passionate founders and support early stage startups.
Leo Li
Prior to starting PageOne Lab, Leo was a Senior Manager of Growth at Wyze and led SEO growth when he was on the Airbnb Growth team.
Allan Jiang
Prior to starting PageOne Lab, Allan was a Senior Engineer on the Crypto Foundations/Applications team at Coinbase. He also worked as a Software Engineer at Google and Microsoft.
How we help startups
💰 $10K Check
We make small investments to support early stage startups on founder friendly terms.
💪 SEO/SEM Support
The founders at PageOne Lab are growth experts ($0 - $1M ARR in 12 months) and we are here to help you.
We are Like-minded Founders
Being YC founders ourselves, we know how to support & work with other founders.
🤝 Connection to Big Companies
We are well connected with people at Google, Airbnb, Coinbase, Microsoft, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.
Contact us
founders [at] pageonelab.com
Companies we invested
Weave (NYSE: WEAV) Top Company
Communication Platform for SMBs
Notable Labs Top Company
Notable Labs is a personalized testing service for cancer patients
Tovala Top Company
Smart oven and companion meal delivery service
54gene Top Company
Equalizing precision medicine
Reach Labs Top Company
Long range, wireless energy distribution that scales
Bloom Tech Top Company
The online coding school that invests in you
A leading global destination for learning and teaching online
Palantir (NYSE: PLTR)
empowers organizations to effectively integrate their data, decisions, and operations
Molekule (NASDAQ: MKUL)
Bringing clean and healthy indoor air to the world
Starcity (ACQUIRED) S16
Global, tech-enabled, urban co-living
Fall in love with parking
Circle Medical (ACQUIRED) S15
Quality care, more accessible than ever
Remote allows companies to employ anyone, anywhere
The 100% clean energy home.
BioAge Labs
Pipeline of therapeutic assets that increase healthspan and lifespan.
General Fusion
Clean Energy. Everywhere. Forever
Online destination for beauty & wellness professionals and clients
Full Stack Edge AI
API technology stack for brands to connect with audiences.
ScopeAR S15
Enterprise Augmented Reality Remote Assistance and Support
Akash Systems
Satellite Communications Reimagined
Zendar S17
Highest resolution automotive radar in the world
Exosonic W20
Fly Supersonic Everywhere By Muting the Sonic Boom.
Intelligence-Driven Cybersecurity for the Enterprise
Pay Bills with Credit Card
Proof-of-Stake chain utilizing JavaScript smart contracts
Instant Domains W22
Mobile-first domains for businesses and creators
SendMe W22
On demand provider of meat to households and food businesses
Touch and Pay W22
Digitizing and processing Microtransactions in Africa
DimOrder W22
Toast for Southeast Asia
AiSupervision W22
The operating system for factory production lines
Gauss Money W22
Lower interest rates on existing credit cards
HeyFood W22
Doordash for Africa
Wibond W22
Affirm for LATAM
Tendo W22
Meesho for Africa - Enabling Africans to sell online with zero capital
Krave Mart S22
Grocery Delivery in Pakistan
Oneleet S22
Pentesting that combines AI with human expertise
Polymath Robotics S22
General Autonomy for Industrial Vehicles